Often times the term "submission" has a negative connotation... especially today where the feminist mindset pervades society. Even for me, hearing the word sometimes makes me bristle. That is, until I really had a good understanding of what biblical submission really means. Like I said in a previous post, our Lord is orderly and precise. Even from a worldly perspective, systems and institutions run smoother when there is order... even a hierarchy. Not every one can be the boss. God, in his infinite wisdom, knew this from the beginning. The leader of the Christian home is the husband. Wives submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. It doesn't end there... Husbands are admonished too. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself (John 5:22-28). To me that doesn't sound oppressive.. it sounds like a beautiful union.
So why the rib? Why not the skull bone? Or perhaps a bone in the foot? The rib is both delicate and strong and is vital to the well-being of man as it protects two of the most vital organs - the heart and the lungs... the rib protects life. It is in the man's side.. notice not above him or below him. Husband and wife are to be partners... one flesh (Ephesians 6:31)... equal in worth, as they are ONE, but with different roles. As Freddie's wife, I am not powerless as some would label a "submissive" wife. I have incredible power... I can love him, support and bless him through my protection or I can tear him down.
The Lord has really opened my eyes to some of my bad attitudes and behaviors towards my husband. It is unbelievable how blinded we can become. Scary, actually. In our sinfulness, we are so "entitled". Selfish, really. I train my children to "love one another" and "consider others better than yourselves" yet I don't treat my husband.. my very own flesh... as if he were better than me. I am all consumed with me, me, me. How can I get so exasperated at my 2 year old when she is insistent in not sharing the Crayola piggy bank turned robot arm when I behave no better? My behavior may not be so overt but it is selfishness, all the same. My heart's desire is to serve my husband. How can I make him more comfortable? How can I help him relax and unwind from a hard day at work? How can I show him I appreciate how hard he works and his provision for our family? How can I love him better?
I have a lot to think about.
A thought to ponder: There is no one or no thing in all the earth God has created that God gave the ability to either be the most injurious or that provides the greatest blessing and strength to a husband than his wife.
How will you use the "power" God gave you today?
(From Sunny at A Wife's Biblical Submission online study)
How will you use the "power" God gave you today?
(From Sunny at A Wife's Biblical Submission online study)
Hi Jen, I came by to say hi and thanks for visiting. You have 3 very lovely blogs and I have enjoyed reading them. Wonderful to meet you.
Have a blessed evening!
WOW Jen! Okay, ya'll just totally blow me away! Every time I read one of ya'lls post (okay, can you tell I'm from the south, I've used ya'll twice already)....anyway, every time I read what God has revealed to each of you through the study, I'm always saying to God, "Wow, Lord! You taught them all that through the study? I'm in awe of You! Thank You Father for setting my sisters free and returning to your daughters the power and strength what was rightfully ours before we were enticed by being so smart in ourselves."
You bless me sister! I can't wait to read what else He's going to teach you!
Bless you dear and wonderful sister,
P.S. btw, i LOVE the new site for the study! This is just so cool! I'm gonna change it on the study's blog site right now!
"I train my children to "love one another" and "consider others better than yourselves" yet I don't treat my husband.. my very own flesh... as if he were better than me."
This was exactly the sentement I learned through this study. I was always baffled by the passage that talks about "covering" our head in church until I started this study. Now, I realized that I was not only leaving my "head" uncovered...I was beating it with a sledge hammer and then crying to God because I didn't understand why it was bleeding. Talk about blind!! Love the new blog!! Keep learnin' girl!!
Hello precious Jen!
I'm putting together an email distribution list just for the sisters in the study. Could you send me yours?
Thank you! Oh, btw, we have another new participant that just joined today! Be sure to stop by her blog and give her a welcome!
Bless you sweet sister,
Hi Jen! I just love this post... I find it amazing that so many of us are having these insights into what our lives should be, what they COULD be, if we just live them in this Biblical fashion!
Your blog is beautiful and I am SO HAPPY to be involved in doing this study with you!
God bless you.
I didn't realize that you had a separate blog from the other one I read until I was going through to add all the bible study participants to my blogroll! Mommy brain is taking over! lol. Hope you are having a great day!
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