Monday, October 13, 2008

A Modern Day Rib in Action - Week 2 (cont)

So, now that I understand why the Lord created woman from a man's rib. What am I supposed to do with that? What does that look like in my life? Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart". I feel convicted that I have not lived up to my calling as a critical part of my husband, his wife. I tend to treat us as two separate entities, some times at odds with each other, rather than one flesh joined in holy matrimony.

"If your husband did not speak to you inappropriately, but did hurt your feelings, consider if what he said was an actual sin or a personal offense. If it was the latter, prayerfully consider overlooking the offense rather than expecting your husband to always behave in a manner which is pleasing to you - as I'm sure this is a great burden none of us can bear...that's why we have Jesus!" - Sunny *Emphasis mine*

The above quote from Sunny in our Bible study left an impression with me. I am a perfectionist and if anyone, especially my husband, points out my sin or where I may be wrong, my pride is hurt and I can become extremely defensive and desperate to prove that I am right and not wrong. I need to pray to the Lord that I will begin to take constructive criticism better and use that information as a blessing to help me change and become more Christ-like.


Sunny Shell said...

Precious sister Jen!

You wanna know why God had me write that? B/c that is one of the things I've had to (and still do from time to time) crucify! I wanted everyone around me to be I wouldn't have to be! UGH!

One of the things I do now is actually go to my husband FIRST, when I think I about to sin (b/c I can tell I'm having critical thoughts about something or someone). This helps me not get so upset when God uses my husband to "sharpen" me b/c really, I asked him to!

GREAT article! I LOVED it! Hey, when are ya'll moving to France?

Love you girl!

Dusty (To the Moon and Back) said...

Amen! I am working on this for myself as well. I hate to be wrong. Hate it with a passion and it is really hard for me to admit it when it happens. I point fingers at anyone and everyone besides myself. Realizing this is but part of my journey. I have been praying for help in ridding this character flaw from me, but I still stumble...quite often. lol. I'm a work in progress, I suppose!

Great post!

Sunny Shell said...

Hello precious sister Jen,

Guess what?.....

I have a bloggy award for you!

Please stop by my place and pick it up. Here's the link:

I'm Overflowing and I Want To Share

Love you dear sister,

My Walk With God said...

Hi Jen.

Glad to meet you in our meaningful bible study on Wife's Biblical Submission.

It's amazing how God's word powerfully speak to each one of us.
In God's leading, we will be able to be the wife HE intended us to be.

We'll surely bless our husband and family, and honor God by submitting to God's Word on being a wife and a woman.

We hold hearts in praying for each other.....all throughout this biblical study.

Blessed With 4 said...

Hi Jen...I just started the Biblical Submission Study and I wanted to pop in and say hi. Merry Christmas to you and your family.